- 9:20 - 10:20 Keynote
- 10:30 - 11:10 A Tale of Two String Representations
- 11:20 - 12:00 ErRuby: Ruby on Erlang/OTP
- 13:30 - 14:10 Who reordered my code?!
- 14:20 - 15:00 A proposal of new concurrency model for Ruby 3
- 15:30 - 16:10 Improved scalability by relaxing the GVL
- 16:20 - 17:00 Unify Fixnum and Bignum into Integer
- 17:10 - 17:50 Scalable job queue system built with Docker
- 9:20 - 10:20 Fearlessly Refactoring Legacy Ruby
- 10:30 - 11:10 Writing A Gameboy Emulator in Ruby
- 11:20 - 12:00 How DSL works on Ruby
- 13:30 - 14:10 Recent Advances in HTTP and Controlling them using ruby
- 14:20 - 15:00 Web Server Concurrency Architecture
- 15:30 - 16:10 Building maintainable command-line tools with mruby
- 16:20 - 17:00 Modern Black Mages Fighting in the Real World
- 17:10 - 17:50 どちらか
- 9:20 - 10:20 Ruby Committers vs the World
- 10:30 - 11:10 Web Clients for Ruby and What they should be in the future
- 11:20 - 12:00 Deletion Driven Development: Code to delete code!
- 13:30 - 14:10 Learn Programming Essence from Ruby patches
- 14:20 - 15:00 Ruby Concurrency compared
- 15:30 - 16:10 どちらか
- 16:20 - 17:20 Dive into CRuby